
Opera za no kaijin download
Opera za no kaijin download


I know this isn’t a very encouraging update, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still around and kicking! Still Not Dead…. I got another 1% done tonight – I know it doesn’t seem like much, but at least it’s something :3 I don’t have too much planned until the holidays, so hopefully I can get a bit done before then. Still no word on if I have someone who can make this translation work I’m doing compatible with the game, but I’m still hopeful. I got a new computer and finally got everything installed on it. I am staying with some friends for a while, and I will be working on translating when I can. I guess what I’m saying is things have not been conducive to translating! Wow, it’s been forever (again Dx) I’m sorry everyone! I have gone through some serious crap lately >.< Courage did well in his wheelchair for a while, but he finally lost the ability to do much of anything and had to be put down :C I also lost an uncle and an apartment, then a house in the interim. If anyone thinks they can help with any of the errors we’re experiencing, please let me know! My boyfriend has offered to help with the editing of the lines, so that’s at least something. Once again, I want to apologize for how long this project is taking, but it is still only me working on translation. If I get enough donations to help offset my living expenses, then I can work on the translation more instead of working to pay my bills 3 If you are, then I will gladly take the help! For those who wish to hurry the project along but cannot offer their services, the only thing that will really help with that are donations. If you are really interested in helping translate, please send me an email at and I will send you a quick ‘test’ to make sure you are up to it.


To address some of the most common questions I’ve been getting recently, I don’t think it makes sense to release an unfinished patch until I get all of the errors worked out. The game is still playable, so this last error will be the last to be actively worked on, and we could theoretically release the patch if this is the only error left. For some reason, quotation marks and apostrophes are causing issues in the game. For example, a line that I have translated as “….” may come out as ….”””” or something. The game is still playable, but it’s annoying.Ī final error we are encountering is the patch creating issues in the text and dialogue once it is implemented into the game. It’s annoying, and I don’t know what can be done. It simply shows the call-to-action characters instead of your chosen name every time. For some reason, even though I’ve kept the call-to-action characters in every instance that the game uses them to recall the name you choose for your character at the beginning of the game, it will not work in the patch. We are also having problems with the ability to name your own character. It does this for every character except the main character and a few others whose names I have been able to fix (Fantome and Magician mostly). For example, instead of Richard, it shows the text リシャール, which is the katakana spelling of Richard. The names of the characters are nowhere to be found in the text files that have been extracted, so they still appear in Japanese. There is another error that will be rather annoying for those who do not have any Japanese knowledge.


Basically, the code will only create a patch from one spreadsheet, but the amount of dialogue in this game requires me to have 3 spreadsheets worth of translation, so the code will only patch roughly 1/3 of the game at present, even though I’ve translated much more than that. Quick Save and Quick Load work, but straight up ‘save’ and ‘load’ cause the game to crash.Īnother issue we’re having involves the patching code not playing nice with google spreadsheets and google spreadsheets not allowing me to have all the lines necessary. Now about the errors… We’re still experiencing errors when we try to save or load the game. I am working on Philip sand would say I’m about half done with them. So far I have all of Raoul’s and Fantome’s routes translated. Of course, starting to replay the game has rekindled my love of the characters and stories, so there IS a silver lining… This does not include the unknown amount of time it will take to fix any errors or edit any images that may need it. Yaaaay! Keep in mind this progress bar is JUST for translation. So now, along with a ‘lines translated’ tracker, I’ve also started a ‘lines edited’ tracker. Progress has been made, the project is not dead! However, I started playing the game with my newest boyfriend (weird, I know :P) and noticing all the errors I made in tense and verbage and such.

Opera za no kaijin download