Im running a 9700k which should not bottleneck anything. As even the software from elgato is also not updated anymore, it seems like they simply abandoned this device and don't care. Changing the audio settings in Windows or OBS also doesn't really do anything. I really wonder how this is such a big problem which was never fixed and the hd60 pro is mentioned as one of the best capture cards still. As soon as I go 1080p and 60fps both, I get audio crackling with Switch or Ps4 connected. I should note this doesn't happen to me on my Nintendo Switch, so it may very well be audio codec related. I'm SOL since I'm hardware limited by the cables/console, but since you're on the PS4 you have some options, you could try setting the audio codec on the PS4 to Linear PCM (or something else) and see if that gets you cleaner sound or another HDMI cable to see if there is something wrong with it (crackling or artifacting could be a result of a bad cable, but doesn't explain why it works in the elgato software). You can see it occur in my videos here (elgato/magewell):

Some suggest that this is related to a downsample or upsample problem where it's going from like 32/44khz to 48khz, but I didn't find making those tweaks in the OS or OBS resolve the crackles or studders. I've had the same problem on the Elgato HD60 S (USB) and Magewell Pro Capture HDMI (PCIe) in OBS on both Windows and Linux (Magewell) and it would even have it happen in the Elgato Game Capture.